The following are the various steps involved in program development.
1. Problem definition.
2. Problem Analysis and design.
3. Algorithm.
4. Flow chart.
5. Coding and implementation
6. Debugging and testing.
7. Documentation.
(1) Problem Definition: The problem definition phase is a clear understanding of exactly what is needed for creating a workable solution. We must know exactly what we want to do before we begin to do it. Defining the problem means understanding the problem. It involves the three specifications regarding a problem solution.
1. Input specification: Input specification makes what input is to be required for the problem solution and format.
2. Output specification: It gives the information that what output is going to be produced its type and format
3. Special processing: Special processing gives the probable for the smooth process of the next phases.
(2) Problem Analysis and Design: Before going to make a final solution to the problem must be analyzed. Outline solution is prepared for simple problems and in the case of complex problems; the main problem is divided into sub-problems called modules. These sub-problems can be handled and can be solved independently. When the task is too large, it always betters to analyses the task such that it can be divided into a number of modules and seeks a solution for each module.
(3) Algorithm: Once the problem is divided into modules, and the purpose of each module is clear, the logic for solving each module can be developed. The logic is expressed step by step. A step by step procedure to solve the given problem is known as an algorithm. An algorithm is defined as a finite set of instructions; which accomplish a particular task. An algorithm can be described in a natural language such as English, but each step is finite, feasible, and effective.
(4) Flow chart: After the completion of the algorithm, the program flow can be visualized by drawing the flow chart for the algorithm. A flow chart is nothing but a pictorial representation of how instructions will be executed one after the other.
(5) Coding & Implementation: Coding is a process of converting the algorithmic solution or flow chart into a computer program. In this process, each and every step of an algorithm will be converted into instructions of a selected computer programming language. Before selecting a programming language we must follow the following three considerations.
(a) Nature of the problem
(b) Programming language available on the computer system.
(c) Limitations of the computer. Coding will become easy, if the algorithmic solution is expressed properly. Once the coding is completed, the program is fed into the computer using a compiler to produce equivalent machine language code.
(6) Debugging & Testing: Before loading the program into the computer, we must locate and correct all the errors. The process of correcting errors in a program is called debugging. There are 3 types of errors that generally occur in a program namely,
a) Syntax Errors: Violation of the grammatical rules of the computer programming language is called a syntax error. This will occur during the compilation of the program.
b) Runtime Errors: The runtime errors will occur when the program is in execution. These errors are difficult to identify and these sometimes stop the execution of the program.
c) Logical Errors: Logical errors are very difficult to detect and correct. If a logical error occurs in a program, the program will run, but produces incorrect results.
It is very important to test the program written to achieve a specific task. Testing involves running the program with known data of which the results are known. As results are known, the results produced by the computer can be verified.
7) Documentation: Documentation is the most important aspect of programming. It is a continuous process to keep the copy of all the phases involved in problem definition, and details of the problem such as algorithm, flow chart, coding, and testing are the parts of the documentation. This phase involves producing written documents for the user.
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The following are the various steps involved in program development.
1. Problem definition.
2. Problem Analysis and design.
3. Algorithm.
4. Flow chart.
5. Coding and implementation
6. Debugging and testing.
7. Documentation.
(1) Problem Definition: The problem definition phase is a clear understanding of exactly what is needed for creating a workable solution. We must know exactly what we want to do before we begin to do it. Defining the problem means understanding the problem. It involves the three specifications regarding a problem solution.
1. Input specification: Input specification makes what input is to be required for the problem solution and format.
2. Output specification: It gives the information that what output is going to be produced its type and format
3. Special processing: Special processing gives the probable for the smooth process of the next phases.
(2) Problem Analysis and Design: Before going to make a final solution to the problem must be analyzed. Outline solution is prepared for simple problems and in the case of complex problems; the main problem is divided into sub-problems called modules. These sub-problems can be handled and can be solved independently. When the task is too large, it always betters to analyses the task such that it can be divided into a number of modules and seeks a solution for each module.
(3) Algorithm: Once the problem is divided into modules, and the purpose of each module is clear, the logic for solving each module can be developed. The logic is expressed step by step. A step by step procedure to solve the given problem is known as an algorithm. An algorithm is defined as a finite set of instructions; which accomplish a particular task. An algorithm can be described in a natural language such as English, but each step is finite, feasible, and effective.
(4) Flow chart: After the completion of the algorithm, the program flow can be visualized by drawing the flow chart for the algorithm. A flow chart is nothing but a pictorial representation of how instructions will be executed one after the other.
(5) Coding & Implementation: Coding is a process of converting the algorithmic solution or flow chart into a computer program. In this process, each and every step of an algorithm will be converted into instructions of a selected computer programming language. Before selecting a programming language we must follow the following three considerations.
(a) Nature of the problem
(b) Programming language available on the computer system.
(c) Limitations of the computer. Coding will become easy, if the algorithmic solution is expressed properly. Once the coding is completed, the program is fed into the computer using a compiler to produce equivalent machine language code.
(6) Debugging & Testing: Before loading the program into the computer, we must locate and correct all the errors. The process of correcting errors in a program is called debugging. There are 3 types of errors that generally occur in a program namely,
a) Syntax Errors: Violation of the grammatical rules of the computer programming language is called a syntax error. This will occur during the compilation of the program.
b) Runtime Errors: The runtime errors will occur when the program is in execution. These errors are difficult to identify and these sometimes stop the execution of the program.
c) Logical Errors: Logical errors are very difficult to detect and correct. If a logical error occurs in a program, the program will run, but produces incorrect results.
It is very important to test the program written to achieve a specific task. Testing involves running the program with known data of which the results are known. As results are known, the results produced by the computer can be verified.
7) Documentation: Documentation is the most important aspect of programming. It is a continuous process to keep the copy of all the phases involved in problem definition, and details of the problem such as algorithm, flow chart, coding, and testing are the parts of the documentation. This phase involves producing written documents for the user.