With reference to the subject cited above, it is to inform you that the classwork for I/III/V Semesters for the A.Y. 2020-21 commences from 02.11.2020 onwards. In this connection, the Commissioner of Technical Education permitted to conduct the orientation program to the newly admitted students in I Semester as per the schedule 26-10-2020 to 31-10-2020 (5 days) furnished in the annexure enclosed herewith in order to orient the new entrants focused acclimatize to the Polytechnic education system and the institutional functional environment.
Therefore, you are requested to bestow your personnel's attention with the cooperation of all concerned in order to implement the activities effectively so as to achieve qualitative education.
Orientation Programme Schedule for the newly admitted students into polytechnic I semester for the academic year 2020-21
- You can download the Official Notification here