The exam season is just around the corner and with a lot to study in our plate, we often fail to figure out the ways to be more productive and study well.
So, here are a few ways which, by following, you can prepare well.
1.Stay Calm: Believe us, this is the best way to start the preparation. It is a very simple process and doesn't take much effort too. All you need to do is to breathe in and breathe out.
2.Organize: Now, to do this, we have a simple method, take a A4 Sheet for each subject, and divide the A4 Sheet into 3 columns A,B & C. Once, you do it list out the following.
In A: Chapters/ Units which you feel you're perfect in.
in B:Chapters/ Units which you feel you might need a revision.
in C:Chapters/ Units which you feel you don't understand.
Once you list them out, it becomes much easier. The next step is to count the number of days for the exam and give the least number of days to revise the Chapters of column A, a few days for Chapters in column B and Column C. And then, you have to accommodate the remaining days to revise all the units.
3.Relax and stop procrastinating: Procrastinating is the easiest thing to do but what the time you spend in procrastinating can be used to relax and listen to music or anything that makes you happy.
Note: The above sentence doesn't mean that you have to stop studying completely but it's about taking time to relax. This way, you won't feel shortage of time.
4. Learn and understand: Instead of just mugging up your syllabus, one can use technology to learn and understand the concepts and then try to present it in your own words.
5. Be confident: once,you are prepared, you don't need to fear anything. Keep your mind clear of fear and you'll automatically feel confident to write the exam. All the best, you'll do well in exams.
The above tips will help you in preparation, stay tuned for another article regarding time management on the day of the exam.
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